Anitbiotic Sensitivity Testing

  • ANTIBIOTIC SENSITIVITY TESTING: Penicillin allergy is the most commonly reported antibiotic allergy. In fact, penicillin allergy is reported to affect approximately 10% of the U.S. population. Confirming or ruling out true penicillin allergy is very important for future antibiotic treatment options.

Negating true penicillin allergy may allow for treatment with more cost-effective drugs and help to combat drug resistance in the community. For penicillin testing in particular, we now have the FDA-approved Pre-Pen® test available which is easy, safe, and can be completed in approximately 1 hr. Following this testing, patients with negative skin test results are challenged, in our office, with oral penicillin or amoxicillin and observed for one hour to confirm their ability to tolerate the drug. In addition to penicillin testing, we also have the capability to assess other classes of antibiotics as well.

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